10k complete! 

This weekend I ran 10k and it’s the best i’ve felt running in a very long time. I completed the hilly route in 59 minutes and 49 seconds! I never thought I would be able to run 10k after having my little one, let alone do it in under an hour; and I still can’t believe I was able to train for it with my toddler thanks to my running buggy. Today, I am very very happy!

Close friends of mine will know that I struggled (like many mums) to jog for quite some time after having my daughter – I needed to regain my strength and it wasn’t always possible to go running due to a childcare. So completing the 10k this weekend is a huge achievement for me.

As you know I trained for the 10k with my running buggy and I honestly can’t recommend running buggies enough, for the sense of freedom and to simply have a reliable buggy that you can do so much with. From strolls, to errands, to 10k runs. I love my phil&teds Sport running buggy and wish I had invested in one from when my daughter was tiny. I’ve had several buggies since being a parent, but there’s no way i’m rehoming this one!

Thank you to everyone who gave me a cheer on the way round the 10k route – it really made all the difference!

Chloe x

4 things I’ve learnt from training with my running buggy

At the start of Summer I decided to sign up to a 10k run, after many successful jogs with my phil&teds Sport running buggy. Although I was confident that i’d be able to get out and jog with my little one, I hadn’t been on many long distance runs, and I would need to if I wanted to feel my best in time for my 10k event. As that 10k approaches i’m delighted to share that we’ve done it! Training has gone so well and here’s a little of what i’ve learnt from the last few months buggy running with the aim to clock up those miles.

1. Make the most of nap times
Some of my best runs have been while my daughter sleeps or just after she’s had a good run around herself. It feels so satisfying to be able to use those times to train and to see my little one look comfy and content while I run; and not feel trapped by the nap!

2. Buggy running makes for a great day out
I feel lucky to have a running buggy that is easy to pop in the car and travel with, it also makes for a great everyday buggy too. The front wheel can be unlocked from running mode, making it super easy to push while walking and exploring. All of this means i’ve been able to incorporate visits to new parks and destinations, with a long run too. We’ll the pack the car with everything we need, have a good play and scout out a new running route before embarking on it. By the time we’ve explored a new area and had some lunch, my daughter is usually ready to climb into the buggy and rest her little legs; and that’s when I can start my run. It’s perfect!

3. Having a running buggy takes the guilt out of doing something for yourself
I’ve enjoyed running for a long time but after my daughter was born I suddenly felt guilty for wanting to get out and exercise; plus childcare isn’t always an option for me so I would feel incredible guilty for being so frustrated that I couldn’t exercise in the way that I wanted to. Having a running buggy has completely changed that. I no longer have to worry about when I can exercise, as I can simply do it with my daughter. I also feel like it’s had a really positive effect on her – she loves running, gets excited when she sees me in my running kit and heading towards the buggy and often says to me “run, run, run?”.

4. In hindsight, I wish I had invested in a running buggy sooner
I would highly recommend buggy running and the phil&teds Sport to anyone interested in being active with your little one, and if you want a sturdy, easy-to-use buggy with a big basket (great for shopping!). I’ve had my fair share of buggies and if I knew what I do know, I would 100% invest in a running buggy from the get go. I always thought running buggies were clunky, hard to push and only suitable for older children, but I was wrong on all of that.

Wish me luck for Saturday!
Chloe x

How do I stop my daughter having food hang-ups?

I have a ‘challenging’ relationship with food, hence why I have this blog. I’m constantly trying to lose weight and see that number on the scales drop; even though I know I should be focussing on being fit and healthy.

I use food as a treat when I’m happy, to comfort myself when I’m sad, to fill a void when i’m bored, or to calm my nerves when I’m anxious or even angry. So basically I’m always eating or thinking about food.

That said I thought I’d be able to hide all of this from my toddler. As time goes on however, I’ve been noticing just how much I use food as a solution to a tantrum, tiredness or to just get her in the buggy. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t this is awful behaviour here and there but I do it all the time. Keeping in mind my food history, I’m worried I use food as a tool rather than for fuel far more than I realised.

Thankfully my daughter doesn’t seem to be mimicking my behaviour and gorging on food, she’s actually the opposite and eats little and often when she’s hungry, but if I don’t change something soon I fear it will only be a matter on time until she follows me in my footsteps. So what’s the answer?

I don’t know, but I’m doing the following and I hope it helps me to build a healthy relationship with food that I can pass on to my daughter, without feeling ashamed.

7 steps to conquering my poor relationship with food

1. Acknowledge unhealthy food behaviours
My first step is to acknowledge when I’m reaching for food for reasons other than hunger and immediately devise an alternative solution. For example, instead of cheering my daughter up if she’s being a bit grumpy with a packet of quavers, we’ll play dressing up instead. Or if it’s me, I’ll write down how I’m feeling and why – try to deal with the real reason why I’m in the kitchen or distract myself with a herbal tea!

2. Think of food as fuel not as a treat or solution
Learn to think of other activities as treats if something good as happened or if i’m reaching for food out of boredom. For example, enjoy a relaxing bath, get my nails done, call a friend, plan a night out. That kind of thing.

3. A day is not just about breakfast, lunch and dinner
Plan my day around fun things to do with my daughter, work, events, seeing friends and family… not around breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!

4. Surround myself with healthy foods
I’d like to make it easier for myself and healthier for my daughter by not buying or keeping unhealthy snacks in the house. She loves cucumber these days and as just started to eat humous – I feel very chuffed with that! Plus, I can have some of that too without feeling guilty, which brings me onto my next step…

5. Healthy portions 
I must stop finishing my daughters’ food! Poor girl, I really don’t give her long to finish her plate and before we both know it i’ve woofed down the lot! So, we either have a healthy plate to share or I eat at the same time and sit on my hands once i’ve finished my portion.

6. Encourage mindful eating not mindless eating
My daughter can be slower than others to eat her food, or she needs a bit of encouraging to start before she gets hangry, and for that reason i’ve got into the habit of having a TV show on when we eat. Distracting her into eating/ bribing her to keep still. So, I’m trying to talk more about our food and have her help me prep food to engage her over mealtimes. That said, I’m not stopping TV altogether when we eat… because sometimes I like it too and I think that’s ok!

7. Keep active
I feel so much better for being active, it curbs my overeating and I’m setting a good example for my little one. I genuinely love running and I love my phil&teds running buggy. It also makes me feel proud that my daughter recognises when I’m getting ready for a run and seems excited to come with me and have a little sprint herself. We’ve also been swimming more and about to try out some dance lessons. I was always a bit nervous about sport when I was younger and I would love my daughter to grow up feeling excited to try a new activity and not shy away from it like I did for so many years.

September Goals

Hello September! How did you get here so fast? Although I’m clearly not at school and my little one is too young to be affected by term times, I still view September as a great month to embark on new challenges or to finally conquer ones set earlier in the year – and for me, that means focusing on the 10k fun run I have coming up in just a week’s time!

With the big run just around the corner, I feel the need to create a little checklist for myself so that I’m full prepared for the event. So, here are a few things I’ve realised during training that are pretty essential for me to have a successful run, alongside some goals I’d like to achieve this month.

1. New music
On days when I’ve been flagging in energy my playlist has kept me going. I love Spotify (or anything similar) for creating a playlist and the suggested songs that are often thrown up based on what I’ve listened too previously are usually pretty good. So, this month I must create my final event day playlist! Any recommendations?

2. Food for fuel
More than ever before, I’ve really noticed that eating properly before a run can make a huge difference to how well I jog. I’ve mainly been running in the morning, after porridge and banana or a protein shake with lots of fruit and veg in – plus, giving myself a hour or so after eating before heading out. It’s also helped to eat protein and carbs fairly soon after a run, so that I don’t feel completely fatigued. Eggs, rye bread, chicken and some veggies has been a good post-run lunch for me. On days when my inner piggy has dictated the menu (chocolate), I’ve not only felt rubbish in myself but I’ve not run as well either. So, this month I’d like to (again) focus on food as fuel and to enjoy treats here and there – not to finish the day having eaten just sugar!

3. Posture perfect
Running with a buggy is super easy and fun to do, however I’ve learnt through training that is worth spending a bit of time to look at your posture. Since I’ve upped how often I run with my buggy, I noticed my shoulders aching a little more than usual. I was recommended this video to watch and it’s got some great tips, so here is a little link to it. www.runningbuggies.com.

4. Run 10k with my running buggy
The above goals aside, my ultimate achievement for the month will be to run 10k. I’ve been training with my Phil&Teds Sport running buggy all summer and I absolutely love it. Before having a baby, I had no idea that running buggies existed, and thank goodness they do. Without mine, I wouldn’t be able to run as nearly as much, due to childcare not being that easy of an option for me. My daughter genuinely loves going in the buggy too and she gets so excited when I say lets go for a run. The sense of freedom I get from it all is simply amazing, plus its helped me regain my fitness and confidence (for several reasons, I really thought I wouldn’t be able to run again again having my little one).

So, here’s to September goals!

Side notes – I was asked recently If I recommend the Phil&Teds Sport buggy and I definitely would. It’s really lightweight, easy to fold down if you want to take it in the car to explore new routes, has a quick and reliable brake system (which you can use in two ways) and great wheels that make it easy to go between pavements and off-road terrains.

Photo is a little pic from a recent buggy run, I spotted one of those outdoor gyms!



Beach buggy ready

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen some pretty cool beach shots from a few morning runs I took while holidaying in the UK – yes, I did exercise on holiday! Plus, I’ve moved house, so here’s a little update on how I’ve been getting on with my diet and exercise…

Exercising while away actually made me feel very proud, as it’s the first time I’ve used my running trainers away from home. It was such a great way to see the town we were staying in and, as running always does, it gave me such a sense of freedom – and an excuse to eat chips later that day. That might also give you an indication of how my diet is coming along – not so good!

Once home I had to pack up everything we own as we were moving house the same week we returned. So it’s fair to say it’s been a very busy few weeks. But, as I write this post from my new pad – it’s all been worth it and I’m looking forward to exploring the new area we’ve moved too with my running buggy. It’s a little more built up than our last neighbourhood so I’m thankful to the big wheels on the Sport so I can weave in and out of the streets, up and down the pavements, then off road to lap the local park – expect some new views on my Instagram.

Tips for exploring a new area with your running buggy

All of this exploring got me thinking of some tips I can share…

1. Look up potential routes before heading out with your buggy, just so you’re not completely lost if you need to head home quickly for any reason.

2. Walk the routes first to get familiar with the area and check whether the route is suitable for a jog with your buggy.

3. Make sure you have a well charged phone, money, and things to feed and entertain your little one incase they’re not so keen on your new route.

4. Take a friend with you to explore and have fun! #buggybuddy!

Buggy on tour

Training with the Phil & Teds Sport buggy has been going really well. I’m enjoying running for further and I’m so pleased that the little one has been relaxed and happy on our longer runs too. As I’m feeling more confident, I’ve decided to explore some new running routes and we’ve been driving to different locations for our training!

Travelling by car with the Sport buggy

I’ve been a little nervous that such a robust buggy (although it’s light) would be tricky to fold up and travel with, and my master plan would fall apart as soon as it came to putting it in the car boot!

The Sport buggy however is thankfully so simple to fold down. It only takes one manoeuvre to collapse and it goes surprisingly pretty flat. It’s also quick and easy to open again. Plus, you can detach the front wheel, which makes the buggy go even smaller.

Little explorers

Trying out new running routes has been pretty exciting and I’ve actually felt very proud that we managed to get our buggy in the car with ease, have fun playing in a new area and complete a decent run all in one morning! #winning!


Pinch, punch, it’s the first of the month!


It’s the first of the month and it feels like a good time to reflect on my weight loss and my current fitness routine. So here’s what I’m thinking…

I’ve really enjoyed upping my exercise lately and for August I definitely want to continue with that. Running with my buggy is simply brilliant, trying new classes has been fun and being active more regularly throughout the week as made me feel stronger and has been an achievement in itself.

That said you can’t outrun a poor diet, and my food choices have been pretty pants lately. Although i’ve had a few good days (if you follow me on instragram you’ll recognise these days, as I get cocky and post all my healthy eats), I seem to fall off the wagon hard come the weekend – and by weekend I mean Thursday to Monday. A long weekend. So, I’m in need a month being stricter with myself when it comes to my food choices and (for all you Weight Watchers out there) I will be doing the blue dot challenge.*

Wish me luck!
Chloe x

P.S Photo includes my new food diary from Fox and Moon!

*If you follow Weight Watchers and track what you eat using the app, a ‘blue dot’ appears in your weight loss process chart if you’ve stayed within your allowance in a day. The idea of the blue dot challenge is to get as many of those dots as possible, which would mean you’ve stayed within your Weight Watchers allowance regularly. 

My 10k training plan

When I signed up to my recent run I vowed to follow one of the many 10k training plans you see online. However, I was foolish not to take a proper look at a plan before committing to the 10k run I signed up to! Having viewed a range of these plans, I’ve had a bit of a wake up call and training is going to be more full on than I realised. Good thing I like a challenge!

A lot of the plans I’ve checked out recommend running 3 times a week, if you have around 8 weeks until your 10k event, and to have rest days in between each run. Several 10k training plans also suggested working in some ‘cross training’ days (where you do another form of exercise) and, or strength training (i.e weights or resistance exercises). It looks as though each run will need to be around 45 minutes each, too.

With all of this in mind, my weekly training plan currently looks a little bit like this…

Monday – Strength training
Tuesday – Run
Wednesday – Rest day
Thursday –  Run
Friday – Rest day
Saturday – Cross training
Sunday – Run

It’s only been a few weeks but I’m really enjoying my training and having a reason to run for an extra mile or two. It’s also made me appreciate my Sport buggy even more than I did before and how it’s built for purpose. Compared to other running buggies I’ve used, it’s so light to manoeuvre and the auto brake stop is second to none – a great comfort when your running route involves crossing busy roads or getting out the way of speedy dogs!

Plus, another mummy friend of mine has also signed up to the same 10k run, so now I have two pals to train with! I’ll keep you posted on how we get on and please do share your buggy running or training tips in the comment box below.

Chloe x

If you’re interested, below are a few links to 10k plans I’ve liked the look of and I surprisingly came across loads on Pinterest too.

This link may only work if you’re signed up to the Windsor 10k run like me
Race for Life training plan
10k training plans on Pinterest

A Konga fitness review: the ‘spinning’ of dance classes

This weekend I experienced my first ever Konga fitness class – a workout filled with dance moves, boxing, toning, jumping and everything in between. I was expecting a slightly more intense version of a Zumba class but this was on a whole other level of fitness – it made me sweat more than a spinning class, take over 8000 steps in just an hour and burn over 600 calories; all with the best ever playlist to boot.

What is a Konga class like?
The studio was low lit (ideal for the body conscious like me), lined with disco lights and the air con on full blast – the perfect environment for a Saturday morning exercise class. I was greeted by the super toned and glamorous Katherine Hubbard, Konga fitness instructor; and a lovely group of women all up for a fun workout.

Kat explained that Konga consists of 6 rounds and each round includes 4 or so moves, performed to a single track. Before each round Kat would demonstrate the steps, which were simple but once the music started, felt intense and fast. The tracks Kat picked fitted perfectly to the fat burning, body toning steps that make up Konga – an exciting mix of cardio, dance, boxing and sculpting moves.

My Konga review – a workout not for the faint hearted and seriously fun
I’ve done dance fitness classes before where there have been so many steps and routines that I’ve completely lost my footing and hadn’t a clue what I was meant to do. Those classes have left me feeling as though I’d just spent an hour just falling all over the place, without burning any calories or breaking a sweat.

Konga is full on training that pushed my body to the max but was definitely fun. I loved the simplicity of the steps, the music and the structure of the class – easy moves and clear explanations but with a lot of energy and positive encouragement.

Don’t just take my word for it… “I absolutely loved Konga! A great high intensity and fun workout – the hour class flew by! Would definitely recommend.” Michelle

“I really enjoyed my first Konga class with Kat. It combines a full workout with music that makes it feel fun. Plus I was amazed to reach 8,000 steps during the one hour class! Would highly recommend.” Georgina

Plus, all the proceeds from this Konga class went to the Epilepsy Society, who are dependent on donations from the public to support those with Epilepsy.

About Kat
Kat teaches Konga in Wimbledon, London on Tuesday nights at 7.30pm and is open to hosting more pop up classes in areas interested in this new and exciting fitness class. Get in touch with Kat via her Instagram or book yourself on a class here.

Want to learn more about Konga?
Forget Zumba, have you ever tried Konga Fitness?
Could Konga help new mums get fit?

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