Category: Phil & Teds Sport Running Buggy

At the start of 2017 I started running with the phil&teds Sport buggy, after receiving a recommendation from a friend who works for the company. Compared to other running buggies I’ve used, it felt so easy to manoeuvre and my daughter really seemed to love it too. I started to write about it on my blog and I shared a few pics on my instagram, which led to a few sponsored posts covering my experience with the buggy. Whilst some posts have been sponsored, it’s important for me to state that all views and thoughts expressed are my own and are genuine.

My year as a buggy runner in 7 photos

With Christmas just around the corner and 2018 approaching fast, it feels natural to do a bit of reminiscing and today I would like to review my year as a buggy runner.

Before having the phil&teds Sport buggy, I was so frustrated not being able to exercise in the way that I wanted. I was keen to shift my post-baby weight and enjoy a bit of ‘me-time’ working out. However, finding the time and child care to go for a jog or hit the gym wasn’t always easy. Thanks to this simple buggy, I was able to combine my fitness goals with looking after my little girl, and keeping her thoroughly entertained on our many running adventures.

Here are a few photos that are special to me and capture my journey from complete buggy runner novice to feeling super confident with this superb set of wheels. I genuinely love this phil&teds running buggy as it’s helped me to lose weight, regain my fitness and enjoy new adventures with my daughter – which in turn has encouraged me to feel a bit more like the ‘pre-baby’ me, if that makes any sense!

1. On a high after my first buggy run that went very smoothly!

2. When I got to my weight loss goal!

3. Feeling so confident with my new running buggy that the endorphins encouraged me to take this sweaty post-run selfie! This was the moment I decided to sign up to a 10k run, feeling certain I’d be able to complete training now I had some new phil&teds wheels for my little one.

4. One of the first times I realised my jogging seemed to be inspiring my daughter to take up running too!

5. Running 10k in under an hour after training with my phil&teds sport buggy. Such a fantastic, and challenging day. I really didn’t think I’d be able to run long distances after having my daughter, I love that a simple buggy helped me to regain my fitness and so much more.

6. Moving house and exploring new running routes – so thankful this buggy is suited for all terrains! You may notice a difference between this shot and some of my earlier running views.

7. Ending the year with a family Santa fun run!


Santa buggy run complete!

Hello December! This weekend I’ve felt extremely Christmassy – the decorations are up, baubles are on the tree and my daughter completed her first Santa run!

The 3k route was just a few laps around our local park and my little one actually did run most of the course. We were by no means the fastest but it was a lot of fun. Half way round my daughter decided to motivate fellow Santa joggers by singing every nursery rhyme she knew at the top of her voice!

It was such a great event and lovely to see my girl give it her all as the crowd cheered her on. She hopped in our phil&teds running buggy a few times, but she mostly wanted to run herself. I’m so glad we did it with the buggy though, as I wasn’t sure how quickly we would all start running or what my daughter would be like in a structured run event; having the buggy meant we could still run if she was tired and she had a comfy seat to rest in while the race got going. I absolutely love how big the basket is on the phil&teds Sport running buggy and for the run it was packed with extra layers, snacks and toys just in case we needed them. Plus, compared to other buggies, it’s so easy to manoeuvre, great on all surfaces and keeps wonderfully steady when you up the pace with it.

As we approached the finish line my daughter decided it was best to complete the run in the buggy. As we jogged a little faster towards the end, my cheeky husband decided to make a break for it so that he could say he beat me! We’ll get him next year! My daughter also decided one guy in particular was the ‘real’ Santa, I have no idea why but her reaction to him was quite hilarious. We also learnt that she doesn’t like it when me and daddy wear Santa beards!

I’d definitely recommend getting involved in your local Santa run and it looks as though more more events like these are thankfully becoming pushchair friendly.

Here’s to another week trying my best to live a healthy lifestyle! As always, thank you for reading.

Chloe x

How to keep running through Winter

As it continues to get colder I’ve needed to dig deep to get out the house to go for a run. Then I realised what I needed to do for some extra motivation – a charity Santa fun run! Having the Windsor 10k to prep for over summer was a great reason to keep training, and so I hope having another run in the diary will do the same for me over the next few cold weeks.

Running in the cold can really sabotage your motivation to go out for a jog. As much as I love running, I also love being warm! Creating a ‘Winter fit kit’* has definitely helped, as I know once we’re out in the running buggy neither of us our actually cold with all the layers we have one, and it’s pretty refreshing to jog when it’s cool. However, i’m so pleased to have another run to look forward to.

This time i’ll be running a much shorter route of 3k and i’m so excited that my daughter can join too, as it’s a pushchair friendly route; although if you follow me on instagram, you’ll see that she often likes to run too! We’ll also be raising money for Woking and Sam Bear Hospices.

I’m so excited for our next run and it’s already giving me an extra boost when I think about going out for a buggy run. In prep for the event I’ve pulled together a few essential items we’ll need for the day – see photo! Thank goodness for the large basket on my phil&teds Sport buggy as I often pack a fair bit!

About the photo: I have to be honest, this pic doesn’t include absolutely everything – that small person who comes with me running didn’t let me add all the extra layers, spare clothes, purse, keys, multiple snacks and toys, or nappies! Note to self, I’ll attempt another photo like this when she’s asleep!

My race day kit

  1. Christmas jumper – obvs!
  2. Extra layers – for me and daughter
  3. Gloves and hat
  4. Toys and snacks – to keep the little one sweet
  5. Water – my daughter is a bit obsessed with water bottles, so this is her ‘sport’ one
  6. Phil & Teds Sport buggy snuggle and snooze sleeping bag and waterproof cover
  7. Baby wipes
  8. iPhone and headphones – I’ll pack my headphones but I’m not planning listening to music on the way round, but I always regret it when I don’t have them just in case my daughter falls asleep and I fancy some music to jog to. Plus Netflix can come in handy if there’s any waiting around! 
  9. Running headband – I love my new ‘push it’ headband from and it really doesn’t slip. My hair loves to do it’s own thing when I run, but at least it’s now out of my eyes!  
  10. Trainers – maybe these should of been at the top of the list!

Wish us luck!

Notes*Next time I promise to share what my Winter fit kit involves! Looking back at posts I completely forgot to say how I’ve prepped for my Winter runs. Sorry about that! Stay tuned for more Winter running tips!

5 unusual reasons why I love buggy running

I’ve been asked lots lately if I would ‘really’ recommend buggy running and my answer is yes! Can’t you tell? I talk about it all the time! Here’s a little on why I love buggy running and my Phil & Teds Sport.

1. I feel so free!
Getting fit and losing some unwanted pounds is really important to me, but I felt so frustrated having to be dependent on childcare if I wanted to go for a run (something I enjoyed doing before having a baby). Thanks to buggy running that’s no longer an issue. Plus, now my daughter is older we can make quite an event out of it by including a park visit before or after my jog.

2. It makes me feel like a super mum keeping me and my daughter active
This is a bit silly but when i’m running with my daughter in the buggy I feel like a right super mum. ”Check me out keeping fit and looking after this one” is what usually goes through my head. “Someone applaud me” but that never happens. The running bug seems to be catching too and my daughter does enjoy a good jog as well, and seems genuinely excited when I say lets go for a run.

3. Having all that fresh air helps me feel less guilty about staying in for the rest of the day
As much as I love running, I also like sitting on the sofa! Going for a jog with a park visit included helps me feel like we’ve earned ourselves some lazy time once we’re back home.

4. My Phil & Teds Sport has the best shopping basket
I use my running buggy to go for walks too and sometimes (often) that includes a visit to the shops. I’ve had my fair share of buggies and I can say with confidence that this has the best and biggest basket, which is so handy for picking up some essentials (or treats) when we’re out and about.

5. I feel so much fitter and stronger
The first run I went on after having my daughter was extremely challenging. I definitely thought that was it, no more running for me. I’m so thankful running buggies exist as mine has helped me to regain my fitness at my own pace, and at times that worked for me and my family. So much so that (if you hadn’t spotted) I completed a 10k run in under hour just a few months ago, all thanks to training with my running buggy.

Thanks for reading and see you again soon,

5 reasons to feel motivated this Monday

Hello Monday! It’s October and as the days feel colder and the nights draw in closer, i’m determined to keep motivated with my healthy eating and exercise, so that I can feel my best in time for Christmas. After a pep talk with myself, I’ve come up with a few reasons to feel motivated this Monday and I would like to share them with you.

1. Christmas is just 10 weeks away. If you were to lose a healthy 2lbs a week, that could mean a weight loss of 20lbs (that’s over 1 stone) in time for Christmas!

2. Beyonce wasn’t built in a day 😉

3. I’ve loved running with my buggy and I don’t want the colder days to stop us from enjoying a good jog outside. So, i’ve dug out extra warm layers for us both, our running buggy rain cover (just in case we get caught out), and our gloves… winter fit kit complete!

4. I’ve already spotted a load of cool Christmas jumpers I’d like to stock up on, but this year I’d love to purchase one and not feel like the incredible hulk when I wear it – anyone know what I mean by this?

5, I’m guilty of overthinking this whole weight loss thing, I often have to remind myself to simply “trust the process and the results will follow”.

About the photo
This picture makes me laugh so much! I was maybe a bit dramatic crossing the finishing line of the 10k run I completed a few weeks back, but it really did mean the world to me. If you missed my post about it, here’s a little link to how I trained with my running buggy and run 10k.

10k complete! 

This weekend I ran 10k and it’s the best i’ve felt running in a very long time. I completed the hilly route in 59 minutes and 49 seconds! I never thought I would be able to run 10k after having my little one, let alone do it in under an hour; and I still can’t believe I was able to train for it with my toddler thanks to my running buggy. Today, I am very very happy!

Close friends of mine will know that I struggled (like many mums) to jog for quite some time after having my daughter – I needed to regain my strength and it wasn’t always possible to go running due to a childcare. So completing the 10k this weekend is a huge achievement for me.

As you know I trained for the 10k with my running buggy and I honestly can’t recommend running buggies enough, for the sense of freedom and to simply have a reliable buggy that you can do so much with. From strolls, to errands, to 10k runs. I love my phil&teds Sport running buggy and wish I had invested in one from when my daughter was tiny. I’ve had several buggies since being a parent, but there’s no way i’m rehoming this one!

Thank you to everyone who gave me a cheer on the way round the 10k route – it really made all the difference!

Chloe x

4 things I’ve learnt from training with my running buggy

At the start of Summer I decided to sign up to a 10k run, after many successful jogs with my phil&teds Sport running buggy. Although I was confident that i’d be able to get out and jog with my little one, I hadn’t been on many long distance runs, and I would need to if I wanted to feel my best in time for my 10k event. As that 10k approaches i’m delighted to share that we’ve done it! Training has gone so well and here’s a little of what i’ve learnt from the last few months buggy running with the aim to clock up those miles.

1. Make the most of nap times
Some of my best runs have been while my daughter sleeps or just after she’s had a good run around herself. It feels so satisfying to be able to use those times to train and to see my little one look comfy and content while I run; and not feel trapped by the nap!

2. Buggy running makes for a great day out
I feel lucky to have a running buggy that is easy to pop in the car and travel with, it also makes for a great everyday buggy too. The front wheel can be unlocked from running mode, making it super easy to push while walking and exploring. All of this means i’ve been able to incorporate visits to new parks and destinations, with a long run too. We’ll the pack the car with everything we need, have a good play and scout out a new running route before embarking on it. By the time we’ve explored a new area and had some lunch, my daughter is usually ready to climb into the buggy and rest her little legs; and that’s when I can start my run. It’s perfect!

3. Having a running buggy takes the guilt out of doing something for yourself
I’ve enjoyed running for a long time but after my daughter was born I suddenly felt guilty for wanting to get out and exercise; plus childcare isn’t always an option for me so I would feel incredible guilty for being so frustrated that I couldn’t exercise in the way that I wanted to. Having a running buggy has completely changed that. I no longer have to worry about when I can exercise, as I can simply do it with my daughter. I also feel like it’s had a really positive effect on her – she loves running, gets excited when she sees me in my running kit and heading towards the buggy and often says to me “run, run, run?”.

4. In hindsight, I wish I had invested in a running buggy sooner
I would highly recommend buggy running and the phil&teds Sport to anyone interested in being active with your little one, and if you want a sturdy, easy-to-use buggy with a big basket (great for shopping!). I’ve had my fair share of buggies and if I knew what I do know, I would 100% invest in a running buggy from the get go. I always thought running buggies were clunky, hard to push and only suitable for older children, but I was wrong on all of that.

Wish me luck for Saturday!
Chloe x

September Goals

Hello September! How did you get here so fast? Although I’m clearly not at school and my little one is too young to be affected by term times, I still view September as a great month to embark on new challenges or to finally conquer ones set earlier in the year – and for me, that means focusing on the 10k fun run I have coming up in just a week’s time!

With the big run just around the corner, I feel the need to create a little checklist for myself so that I’m full prepared for the event. So, here are a few things I’ve realised during training that are pretty essential for me to have a successful run, alongside some goals I’d like to achieve this month.

1. New music
On days when I’ve been flagging in energy my playlist has kept me going. I love Spotify (or anything similar) for creating a playlist and the suggested songs that are often thrown up based on what I’ve listened too previously are usually pretty good. So, this month I must create my final event day playlist! Any recommendations?

2. Food for fuel
More than ever before, I’ve really noticed that eating properly before a run can make a huge difference to how well I jog. I’ve mainly been running in the morning, after porridge and banana or a protein shake with lots of fruit and veg in – plus, giving myself a hour or so after eating before heading out. It’s also helped to eat protein and carbs fairly soon after a run, so that I don’t feel completely fatigued. Eggs, rye bread, chicken and some veggies has been a good post-run lunch for me. On days when my inner piggy has dictated the menu (chocolate), I’ve not only felt rubbish in myself but I’ve not run as well either. So, this month I’d like to (again) focus on food as fuel and to enjoy treats here and there – not to finish the day having eaten just sugar!

3. Posture perfect
Running with a buggy is super easy and fun to do, however I’ve learnt through training that is worth spending a bit of time to look at your posture. Since I’ve upped how often I run with my buggy, I noticed my shoulders aching a little more than usual. I was recommended this video to watch and it’s got some great tips, so here is a little link to it.

4. Run 10k with my running buggy
The above goals aside, my ultimate achievement for the month will be to run 10k. I’ve been training with my Phil&Teds Sport running buggy all summer and I absolutely love it. Before having a baby, I had no idea that running buggies existed, and thank goodness they do. Without mine, I wouldn’t be able to run as nearly as much, due to childcare not being that easy of an option for me. My daughter genuinely loves going in the buggy too and she gets so excited when I say lets go for a run. The sense of freedom I get from it all is simply amazing, plus its helped me regain my fitness and confidence (for several reasons, I really thought I wouldn’t be able to run again again having my little one).

So, here’s to September goals!

Side notes – I was asked recently If I recommend the Phil&Teds Sport buggy and I definitely would. It’s really lightweight, easy to fold down if you want to take it in the car to explore new routes, has a quick and reliable brake system (which you can use in two ways) and great wheels that make it easy to go between pavements and off-road terrains.

Photo is a little pic from a recent buggy run, I spotted one of those outdoor gyms!



Beach buggy ready

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen some pretty cool beach shots from a few morning runs I took while holidaying in the UK – yes, I did exercise on holiday! Plus, I’ve moved house, so here’s a little update on how I’ve been getting on with my diet and exercise…

Exercising while away actually made me feel very proud, as it’s the first time I’ve used my running trainers away from home. It was such a great way to see the town we were staying in and, as running always does, it gave me such a sense of freedom – and an excuse to eat chips later that day. That might also give you an indication of how my diet is coming along – not so good!

Once home I had to pack up everything we own as we were moving house the same week we returned. So it’s fair to say it’s been a very busy few weeks. But, as I write this post from my new pad – it’s all been worth it and I’m looking forward to exploring the new area we’ve moved too with my running buggy. It’s a little more built up than our last neighbourhood so I’m thankful to the big wheels on the Sport so I can weave in and out of the streets, up and down the pavements, then off road to lap the local park – expect some new views on my Instagram.

Tips for exploring a new area with your running buggy

All of this exploring got me thinking of some tips I can share…

1. Look up potential routes before heading out with your buggy, just so you’re not completely lost if you need to head home quickly for any reason.

2. Walk the routes first to get familiar with the area and check whether the route is suitable for a jog with your buggy.

3. Make sure you have a well charged phone, money, and things to feed and entertain your little one incase they’re not so keen on your new route.

4. Take a friend with you to explore and have fun! #buggybuddy!

Buggy on tour

Training with the Phil & Teds Sport buggy has been going really well. I’m enjoying running for further and I’m so pleased that the little one has been relaxed and happy on our longer runs too. As I’m feeling more confident, I’ve decided to explore some new running routes and we’ve been driving to different locations for our training!

Travelling by car with the Sport buggy

I’ve been a little nervous that such a robust buggy (although it’s light) would be tricky to fold up and travel with, and my master plan would fall apart as soon as it came to putting it in the car boot!

The Sport buggy however is thankfully so simple to fold down. It only takes one manoeuvre to collapse and it goes surprisingly pretty flat. It’s also quick and easy to open again. Plus, you can detach the front wheel, which makes the buggy go even smaller.

Little explorers

Trying out new running routes has been pretty exciting and I’ve actually felt very proud that we managed to get our buggy in the car with ease, have fun playing in a new area and complete a decent run all in one morning! #winning!


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