Help! Calling all nutritionists, personal trainers, weight loss experts and anyone who has a clue… I’m feeling confused again about what a healthy diet is and whether I’m consuming the right things for good health and healthy weight loss. These are my questions; can you help to answer them?

1. Skimmed milk of whole milk
Which should I be drinking and why?

2. Cow’s milk or alternatives such as almond milk
Which should I be drinking and why?

3. Plain full fat yogurt or plain fat free yogurt
(You might be seeing a pattern here) Which should I be eating and why?

4. Protein powders and bars
Are you for or against these?
Is there an ideal time to have these?
How often would you have these and why?

5. Sugar vs. Sweetener
What’s your view on these and is one better than the other, even though I’m sure you will say stay clear of both?

Thanks in advance!

1 Comment on Confused Weight Watcher asks for expert advice

  1. Saw a TV programme with a nutritionist (can’t remember which one ?) basically saying it’s better to eat a little butter, full fat milk, sugar etc rather than processed alternatives. But I’m neither a PT or nutritionist but I do have a PT who recommends a 80% alkaline diet so less sugar and processed foods in general. Sorry in advance if that’s confused you more xx

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