I’m very new to buggy running and so far it’s been such a wonderful experience. I love the freedom of it and with the weather getting a little brighter, it feels great to be outdoors again. Although I’m a complete novice to this world of running with your baby, I’d like to share what I’ve found useful in getting started.

1. Run when you’re little one is tired
I refer to my daughter as a baby, but she’s a proper toddler who loves to run as well. I’ve been a little afraid that she won’t want to stay in the buggy for long while I run, so I’ve been going out for a jog after she’s had an hour or so of her own exercise and a little tired. That said, I am going to experiment with going for a run when she’s full of energy – I’ll let you know how I get on.

2. Go for a test run
I would recommend going for a short test run when you’re getting started and maybe incorporating your outing with a visit to a park or something – just in case it doesn’t quite go to plan. I say that because running with a buggy does feel different to when you run on your own. You’ll want to get used to the extra workout for your arms, feel comfortable with your running buggy and make note of anything you could do on the next run to make your experience that much better.

My little headphone helper!

For example, I went for a jog without music or headphones. I wanted to be fully alert and able to hear my daughter, but you can do that and still have a bit of music! On this particular occasion my daughter fell asleep and I was on a very long, straight road which was pedestrianised. It was so boring!

3. Pack baby bribes
Yes, I bribe my child quite frequently and for an easy run I have no shame in suggesting you do the same. My bribe kit includes snacks, toys and a new water bottle my daughter has never seen before. (She has a thing for bottles that aren’t hers.) I haven’t needed to dip into the kit too much yet, but she did get a little hangry on one of my runs, so I’m glad I had a Soreen bar to hand. (She really does love them.)

4. Pack extra layers
Although the weather has been a little warmer, running with your little one obviously creates a bit of a breeze for them (although not that much for mine as I’m slow), so layer them up as you would usually and maybe take an extra blanket and rain cover if the weather turns while you’re out and about. You may want to pack something for yourself too, just in case your baby or toddler doesn’t cooperate with your training schedule, and you need to make a stop.

5. Have a play with your buggy before venturing out
After setting off on my first fun, I realised the straps for my daughter were a little loose, so I ended up stopping to re-adjust them. This isn’t a big deal, but it put a stop to my awesome flow. I’d recommend letting your little play/sit in the buggy before you go on a run, and for you to test out straps, push the buggy about, practice braking and all that stuff.

6. Have fun!

Like to read more? Take a peak at my Phil & Teds Sport buggy review.

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