Tag: About me

10 more things you didn’t know about me

To all of my new blog readers and social media followers, I wanted to (re-)introduce myself to you and share 10 things you may not know about me!

1. My blog used to be called Diet Mum Feed and focussed primarily on my weekly weight loss results and losing post-baby weight gain. As my ‘weight loss journey’ and freelance work has evolved, I tend to post less about my day-to-day food intake and weekly scale number.

2. Linking to the above, I’ve come to realise just how important and integral mental health is to wellbeing, which is why in recent years you can find more posts on my blog and social media pages relating to mental health matters.

3. I’m a freelance writer and I’ve recently had several features published for Cosmo and Black Ballad.

4. I have flat feet. No arches. I’m quite envious of those with a good foot sole!

5. I asked my husband to describe me in three words for this post, after a joke set of words (one day I’ll share what those were) and then a lot of awkwardness (he’s not one to put on the spot when it comes to feelings) he said… kind, upfront and vivacious (I had to look up what this last word meant).

6. I lost 6 stone with the 1:1 Diet by the Cambridge Weight Plan and I will be forever thankful to my wonderful consultant Vicki who has and continues to help me put healthy eating habits into practice.

7. This is a weird one but I’m going to put it out there. I’m very self-conscious about my voice and how I sound (for many different reasons), which is very annoying when you actually like talking a lot!

8. Putting clean clothes away after they’ve been washed is a chore I just can’t stand. I of course love clean, fresh clothes, but the folding and putting them away is just so boring!

9. I’m most proud of my beautiful children and amazing husband.

10. Saving the best bit till last… I’ve recently joined the team at Orbit as Content and Press Advisor! I’m honoured to be working with such an amazing group of women, who have created an incredible support platform for mums to connect with one another. I will continue in my freelance work alongside this role and you can expect to see some more updates and posts on all things Orbit very soon.

If you enjoyed finding out more about me, you may like a previous post creatively titled 10 things you didn’t know about me!

Thanks for reading,
Chloe x

[Image description: One of my flat feet can be seen clearly next to my youngest daughter who is wearing bright pink leggings. Bonus fact – today was the first time I ‘successfully’ wore ‘mom’ jeans after buying many pairs previously which were just too mumsy!

10 things you didn’t know about me

Hello to everyone who has stumbled across or regularly follows my blog. While I love writing all about food, fitness and mum stuff, I thought it might be nice to mix it up a little and share a few personal details about yours truly. So, let’s get started with 10 things you didn’t know about me…

  1. I love yogurt, more than chocolate, which I know is weird! To be specific I’m obsessed with plain greek yogurt.
  2. But I do also love chocolate.
  3. My favourite meal is spaghetti bolognese…
  4. Even though my favourite meat would be chicken!
  5. Most of these ’10 things you don’t know about me’ will be food related, because it’s my biggest hobby.
  6. For the last year I’ve dabbled with vegan recipes, mainly because my husband is trying to eat mainly vegan foods. I’ve enjoyed eating a lot of plant-based meals although as you can see from points 1 to 4, I may never be completely vegan.  
  7. I have one amazing daughter, who I love so much, but I did not enjoy being pregnant. I was sick for so long during pregnancy and never did I receive that ‘glow’ people talk about.
  8. I’ve been blogging for 4 years, alongside copywriting and editing for other publications and small businesses. 
  9. I would love for my blog to help others lead a healthier lifestyle while learning that you don’t need to feel guilty about enjoying food or obsess about that number on the scales.
  10. Other jobs? I was once the online editor for Weight Watchers now called WW and before that I wrote about dogs and sheds! Motherhood has hands down been the hardest job I’ve ever done. 
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